Finding Fulfillment

Too often, we get more focused on our own, temporary gratification instead of focusing on our eternal gratification.  That’s not to say that we can’t enjoy our life here on earth, the opposite, actually.  Individually focusing more on God and prioritizing Him in our own life is the first step toward finding that which our heart truly desires.

The Bible is our manual for life.  Before we read the self-help book or buy into the get-rich-quick scheme, we should instead take the time to study and intimately know the greatest guidebook of all.  The book that holds the true keys to having a joyful and fulfilled life.

We get scared of making major changes in our lives because we think that we will lose some of our freedom.  In reality, our biggest hindrance to true freedom and absolute joy is our reluctance to give up our ownership of our lives.  Our lives don’t naturally belong under our complete control.

Our desires, our goals, the way we carry ourselves and live our daily lives, should be more geared toward living according to what God wants for our lives.  Through this, we will receive that which our inner spirit truly desires.

“Nothing is more contrary to a heavenly hope than an earthly heart.”  -William Gurnall

We are not designed to be a self-centered species.  A lot of examples we see in the world today would say otherwise.  It’s becoming more uncommon, and even sometimes surprising when we see small acts of kindness toward others.  When we live so “self-minded” like this, we actually end up becoming stagnant, and miss out on our full potential.  We were designed to serve God and others before ourselves.  This is the true key to living an abundant and fulfilling life.

Challenge yourself to be more God-centered this week.  Stop and think what you can do practically, big or small, this week to better serve and represent God in your daily life.

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