Out of Control & NOT Loving it!

When I heard the sermon, “Taking Control of our Emotions” last Sunday, I could not have felt more like it was written for me.

Col. 3:4-5 Christ is your life. When he appears again, you also will appear with Him in heaven’s glory. 5 So put to death anything that belongs to your earthly nature. Get rid of your sexual sins & unclean acts. Don’t let your feelings get out of control. Remove from your life all evil longings. Stop always wanting more & more. You might as well be worshiping statues of gods.

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Dealing with Stress

As humans, we have natural, psychological responses to stress. Sometimes we get so buried that we completely shut down, or, even more commonly, we get stretched so thin that we get angry at ourselves, the person we decide is responsible, or the situation that we’re in and take it out on others.

Why do we always seem to react to stress in the same way even though we may recognize it? Why can’t we control your emotions? We keep dealing with the same issues but with different people, different circumstances and can’t understand how we can always be at the wrong place at the wrong time. Sometimes we even play the blame game and use the people around us or the situation we’re in as an excuse for our reaction.

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